Phew! Been a bit of a crazy start to 2014. I have got this YouTube bug BAD! Haven't been able to update the blog in a while, but I'm determined to make it more frequent over the year. Also, made some excellent connections and, dare I say, good new friends via both creating videos and being a member of Retro Unlim. Here is my new introduction video, just so you can see what a nearly forty-something-year old get's up too when I'm not driving buses or reviewing games. Sorry about the picture link, Google Blogger is being a pile of shite and won't let me post the actual video. And of course, I can't speak to them directly to fix it any time soon. Tossers....
I have also been honoured to be a part of the Retro Unlim Live stream show which broadcasts most Friday nights, and being a guest on not only JL76Gaming's Desert Island Games but also irreverent football show Dave 'n Yackam. Follow the links below to have a listen. It's been great fun and hopefully a stepping stone to future projects and other retro and sports fun and games, providing entertainment across the web.
The Pixel Empire
Don't worry, I ain't forgotten where my bread in buttered. TPE has 4 new formats in it's library, including 2 of the next-gen consoles, the most advance handheld to date and the classic 80's system the Commodore 64. Also, God of War gets a twos-up from Shane and the big man himself looks at a terrific shooter on the Vita. What? You havn't read this yet? No excuse, I demand you visit the greatest gaming empire this very second!
That's all from me at the moment. Please, drop in on my YouTube channel or my Facebook page for some retro wonderfulness. I also take requests for my gameplay features. If I have the game, I'll make a vid for ya! Watch this space for a new series I'm hoping to do in the coming months. It should be a good giggle.
Bug... 'Out!