Friday, 5 April 2013

E - Endearing Entities! My Top 10 Lovable Games

They may not be the best of their breed, they may not be remembered with praise, they even may not be any good at all, but  I believe all gamers have a shortlist of titles which they just inexcusably love no matter what their critical reception. They can't really explain why, they just do. Something clicks in the players mind, all perception of what makes a good game is forgone  and they find themselves hopelessly drawn back to titles which are either poor, frustrating, linear, obscure or forgotten. Here is my humble list of those games, the ones that dig out that sense of sentiment and make me load them back up time and time again.
Tanya... Mmmm. The general seems to agree as Di Canio looks on.
#10 Command & Conquer: Red Alert - War games are seldom deemed as lovable titles given their subject matter, unless it's the cartoon caper Worms, but since my very first play of this PC war strategy sim I found it mesmerising. Not only is the game itself pretty cool in both single and multi-play modes, with it's nails-hard special agent Tanya and slick cutscenes, but the retelling of history is excellently played out. And the fear-provoking sound of that Chronosphere... Oddly spine tingling.

#9 Spindizzy Worlds - An isometric puzzler-come-platformer, the CPC version was fiddly but challenging. The Super Nintendo didn't change things to radically but added a layer of gloss to really place it into my heart. Basic visuals, tricky to control and madly frustrating at times, it's still the only spinning top you'll see me playing with now.

#8 League Challenge - Take the cream of the football crop from the mid eighties, and bang them into the most basic of football management games, and weirdly, makes something I return to often. This is a far cry from the likes of Championship Manager; it's mostly all down to luck, with little to actually do as such, but so satisfying when you formulate that elusive win. Well, you think you have anyway.

#7 California Games - Undoubtedly the most played game off the SEGA Master System for me, becoming hopelessly addicted to the footbag and surfing sections. The music was tinny, the responses were sluggish, and some of the events were tiresome. This was one of the titles I searched out for the CPC to my utter dismay. It was so poor in all departments it lost all it's redeeming qualities instantly. So, I reverted back to the SMS version and still do today. 

#6 Arkanoid - Developed from the DNA of Breakout, I took the reigns of it's alternative C64 clone mutation Authur Noid and found it to be stupidly additive. I accidentally discovered the real game, and was catatonic with glee with both the CPC and later the Snes ports. A silly and hilariously tacked on plot for a game whereas you are basically destroying a wall with a ball. Yep, it's that simple and still lives on today in the XBLA.

#5 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - This got panned by many critics for being to easy, too linear and with far too many big-words chattering going on in it's lengthy cut-scenes; especially compared to it's forebear. However, the key aspect of shifting between the physical and spectral plains I found brilliant and looked tip top. Also, the dude you controlled was the most intellectual and complex vampire/zombie ever but still managed to be totally naive. Sod Twilight, this is a proper vampire story!

Bored of humans, the Alien chose to impregnate itself
#4 R-Type - One of, if not the hardest video game ever, this just compels you to return again and again, despite the amount of smashed controllers, temper tantrums and hair loss it induces. I have never put my finger on why exactly, but there is something about being man's last hope, beating the odds and smashing the Bydo Empire apart. Most of the time of course, they smash you. Badly.

#3 Ninja Scooter Simulator - Hmmm, ok. A few of you are now thinking 'WTF?', but some may be saying with a cheeky grin, 'Ahh, haha!' An 8-bit budget title, you are, quite obviously a Ninja Scooter person of some sort. However, there are no shurikens, no kantanas or stealthiness. Ride your scooter along a straight assault course and... well, that's it. Very empty of any actual challenge, gameplay or last-ability, It struck a chord with me with it's terrific music and that feeling has stayed with me since.

#2 Vib Ribbon - I rue the day I ever sold this game, I must have been really drunk or really broke or both. Thankfully, I now have a copy again. Now regarded as a cult classic and extremely rare, this is one of the most zany and most heartening games for the Playstation. With the plainest of plain graphics and straightforward concept, it's the music and gameplay that makes it such an endearing title. If you get a chance to play it, do so. You will be pleasantly surprised. Vibri rocks!

Pacman had successfully sued the Processing Plant
#1 Manic Miner - The sequel to Jet Set Willy from the 8-bit era, out of the hundreds of games I owned for my CPC, this got the most playtime bar none. 20 levels of single screen platformed action, it was not graphically high spec but it was amusing, surreal and very difficult in the latter stages. Level 17, The Warehouse was my usual place of death, only once in 25 years getting beyond this. I have numerous versions of it now, from the emulated original to the PC Flash version, and still get in a few sneaky minutes of playing with my Willy every so often. Great Fun. :D

On that note of blatant innuendo, that wraps up my list of endearing video games, the ones which I just like a lot, no reason, I just do. You must have some games which hit the same soft spot, with no rhyme or reason, even if you know that they are pretty average or just plain tosh. Tell me your titles, would be interesting to know and discuss. Tomorrow, we visit the flicks. F - Films of video games, and to shake things up it's a 5 up and 5 down list. I guarantee you will cringe at the thought of the latter...

Bug... 'Out!


  1. Huh, I thought people liked Soul Reaver 2? Looks cool to me. I think Aliens vs Preadtor 2010 falls into that endearing category, critically bashed upon launch but I loved it. It perfectly captures the feel of the movies, what more could you ask for? :P

  2. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - THAT was a proper vampire story (but sadly overlooked) ;) My choices would include Psychonauts, the Gex series and Metal Slug - as they made me smile and decent titles to boot! Sound choices as per the usual Chris :) Think I may have played California Games years ago on a GG! :)

  3. Totally out of my realm of knowledge but more power to oyu (get it?) Please stop by if you have the chance and sign up if you like what you see.

  4. I don't do anything with the games listed here, but I've been getting so much better with Mario and Tetris is a blast too:)

    1. Mario and Tetris will both feature later in the A-Z challenge. Thanks for the comment. :)

  5. You reminded me of the times when I used to die to play Pacman..

    -Your fellow AtoZer..

    1. Ah, Pacman will be getting talked about in the L blog. :) Thanks for dropping by.

  6. I don't know any of the games here but they remind me of Load Runner.

  7. On the list I have only played Arkanoid and isn't that addictive!

    nice one!

    Only the Crazy Survive

  8. Haven't played any of these games, but want to give you a big A-Z Howdy anyway.

    1. Howdy to you to Bob. Thanks for droppin' by.

  9. Hey, we both used the word endearing for E. :) I'm not much of a gamer myself, but my son is turning into a serious little gamaholic. He's just coming up on six years old. I don't think he's discovered any of these ones yet.

    1. I noticed that too, hehe. I doubt your boy will discover many of these, some are over 20 years old. :) But, no gamer is to new for some retro goodness. Thanks for popping by.

  10. Hey! Dropping by from A-Z!

    I have little experience with games, other than The Sims. I don't have what most would call "skills" when it comes to games :P

    Happy writing!

    Writing Through College

    1. Ah ha, The Sims may make an appearance in a future list. Thanks for popping by.

  11. I loved video games when I was younger, but suddenly got bored with it when I turned about 16, for no reason. I'm not sure what happened. I just stopped playing, and gave all my Nintendo games to my brother. Now, I find that I still love the old classics such as Ms. Pacman, Frogger, Burgertime (which I was truly addicted to for awhile), and Centipede. I still enjoy playing those, and would love to have an upright classic arcade game in my garage someday. I do still like the old Nintendo games, but I don't have any desire to actually play them.

    The A to Z blog said in the latest post to add a link to your own A to Z blog in the comments, so here's mine:

  12. Wooooo! A video game post in the A-to-Z Challenge! LOVE it!

    And I know all but 3 of the games, and love your take on 'em.

    Are you familiar with any others?
    Platform classic like Contra or PC classics like Commander Keen? :)

    Anyway, this felt totally refreshing. Thanks Chris.

    And like Kristen above, I'll link my a-to-z blog:

    1. Many others, hehe, I write for a Gaming Magazine website so a long knowledge of games is kinda needed. :) Very familiar with the Contra series yes, hard as hell. Check out for more of my stuff. :) Thanks for dropping by.

  13. I've heard of a few of these, but the only one of these I've ever played was C&C Red Alert and it was really fun :> Have you played Red Alert 2 now that was *really* fun to put in a lot of hours in. KIROV REPORTING!

    Villyne from A Clever Blog

    1. Yes, a fair few of the C&C series were good games. Thanks for dropping in and thanks more-so for the follow. :D

  14. Red Alert was good but was taken to a new level with Red Alert 2.. Same Concept and vehicles with new vehicles and characters.. Chrono Legionnare, Prism Tank and Mirage Tank (2 personal Favourites) (Allies) - Tesla Trooper, Terror Drone and Tesla Tank (Soviets).. Just to name a few.. Tanya became more hard arse and Sexier.. Good review though mate.. Knew some of them and yes R-Type was a real pain in the ass.. LOL.. Wasn't much of a Manic Miner fan.. Leaned more towards Pac Man.. :D..
